You know that weird feeling you get when you see your grade school priest on shows like the Tyra Banks Show?

No? Hmmmm....

As his website "" tells us, "Fr. Ken is no stranger to business...or Hollywood". The first time I saw him on television was when he was testifying on behalf of the Menendez brothers.

And for the record, I don't actually watch the Tyra banks show. My mother recorded it after my sister, staying home sick from school, came across it. The topic was the seven deadly sins. Ive no doubt he's much experience on the topic. In fact, im sure he's managed to create a few new ones himself.

Every time I hear about him, usually something television related, Im reminded of a story my childhood friend told me.

During an intermission at some theatrical production in LA, my friend ran into the man of Hollywood...i mean God. He was with two young women. They chatted for a while, catching up as Fr. Ken had recently been transferred to another dioceses. Parting ways at the end of the break, my friend was amused to see one of the young women turn to Deasy and say, confused, "Father?"

Oh yes. That story roughly sums him up, I think. Oh, that and the Tyra Banks appearence. If you watch it, you can see him quite obviously leering down Tyra's shirt.

I guess God gives immunity for things like that.

On another note, I leave to spend some time with my Hollywood tomorrow. Im thinking of smearing a thick layer of Vaseline on myself to keep the ego from permeating my senses. I imagine thats how it assimilates, by attatching itself to an unsuspecting and undefended host.

The family doesn't need more than one Hollywood.

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