Dappled and Drowsy

Many many months ago I planted some seeds in my mind. Almost forgetting they were there at all until the stems began to emerge from the well maintained compost pile that are my thoughts. Not refuse, exactly, but certainly not anything to consume.

Beginning as still precious and precarious they were fed the proper environment. And now, they grow larger everyday, at a rate still amazing as only the youth of life can do. I pinch them back and sing to them softly, I pluck the pests that wander their leaves.

They are too young yet to identify the species. Will they flower? Is their color to be green? Red? Purple? Will they grow to a mound, or will they trail?

Are they invasive?

The joy, of course, is in that they've grown at all.

Perhaps Id not forgotten them. I might very well have just put them out of my mind to allow nature to take its course with no expectations of results.

I rather like surprises.

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